My Top 20 Fitness Motivators

Written by Robert Adams

Studies have shown that carrying groceries, doing yard work like cuttingrepparttar grass, and cleaning your house counts as physical activity. So, while you're not exercising per se, you're at least giving your body some physical benefits.
But still you know that this kind of activity isn't going to guarantee a flatter stomach, greater strength, and a longevity boost. So how do find time and energy reach your fitness goals?

I have listed my Top Fitness and Health Tips that ANYONE CAN INCORPORATE INTO THEIR LIFESTYLE! 1. Take a picture of yourself and have it "morphed" at a photo shop. Wanna see how you look 10, 20, 30 pounds lighter? Haverepparttar 112922 picture people editrepparttar 112923 picture inrepparttar 112924 image you like, then take home copies of it and hang them everywhere you can see it. Harnessrepparttar 112925 power of visualization.
2. Keep a stack of your favorite magazines that you promise yourself you can read only atrepparttar 112926 gym. Ifrepparttar 112927 issues start piling up, you know it's time to schedule a workout.
3. Did you know that NOT exercising AT ALL is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes A DAY? (Fear is a good motivator for some.)
4. Your dog. If you want your pooch to enjoy a longer, healthier life, s/he needs to get moving, too. You'll find as both of you get fit, s/he is more enthusiastic, and will give you a challenging workout. If not, YOU give him/her a challenging workout.
5. Work out with your spouse/life partner or personal trainer. Not only does it get both of you healthy and strong, but can also spice up your romantic life.
6. Erase YEARS off your body. Chronologically you may be 40, but with regular, vigorous exercise and healthy nutrition, people are going to do a double-take and think you're in your mid-30. Imagine how awesome you'll feel, when you not only feel younger, but to OTHER people you look younger. Act younger, too.
7.Begin an accomplishments journal. Atrepparttar 112928 end of each day, write down what you've accomplished that day to move you closer toward your fitness and/or life goals. DO NOT WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU HAVEN'T ACCOMPLISHED. That doesn't matter. What matters is what you ARE doing; we all need a long-overdue, well-deserved pat onrepparttar 112929 back on a regular basis.
8. Userepparttar 112930 TV. Here'srepparttar 112931 catch: work out only when your favorite show is on. Or, record your favorite show and work out during that (but don't fast forward through commercials - unless you have consecutive episodes taped). Can help time to fly by faster.
9. Hire a personal trainer or coach. It is proven that having a motivating and positive support system will help you stay with your goals long term. How many times have you started and exercise program and stopped? Remember those New Year’s Resolutions? How many have you kept? Was losing weight or eating healthier part of those resolutions that are now on a shelf collecting dust? Do you have multiple pieces of exercise equipment that you bough on an infomercial late at night that you now hang your clothes on collecting dust? Get Motivated and use a Coach or Personal Trainer to help support you in your life long mission to Permanent Weight Loss and Better overall Body Perfect Fitness and Health. My Private Coach - Because, if not now... WHEN? Get your FREE Coaching Session TODAY!

Personal fitness goals and keeping them.

Written by Kevin Doberstein CFT

Title Personal fitness goals and keeping them.

Keywords Personal fitness goals

Description An article discussing keepingrepparttar bodybuilding diet and fat loss New Year resolutions that you promised atrepparttar 112921 beginning ofrepparttar 112922 year.

Feel free to use this article for your web site or e-zine as long you includerepparttar 112923 author bio and make sure all links are live and working. Please don’t change anything inrepparttar 112924 article. You do not have to notify me if you userepparttar 112925 article but it would nice if you did. 25 years of blood, sweat and tears literally go into my articles, please be courteous back. If you can’t abide byrepparttar 112926 guidelines, don’t use my article! I wish yourepparttar 112927 best success if you use my article. This article is copyright protected by ©Nature Boy Bodybuilding 2005. Thanks so much! Kevinrepparttar 112928 Nature Boy.

Article Fall of last year you figured a donut once in an awhile or some other fat and sugar laden nasty food wouldn’t hurt. Your excuse it is the” muscle-bulking season” or you will ”work it off”. The next thing you know your waist measurement is almostrepparttar 112929 same size of your chest. You look inrepparttar 112930 mirror and you see your v-taper look like a square block. You say to your self “whatrepparttar 112931 heck happen to all my hard work inrepparttar 112932 gym?” Well all of your hard work is still there if you have been training hard, but it is covered in fat. My better half, my wife once asked me when I was expecting? At that moment, I knew it was time to shedrepparttar 112933 fat.

Wellrepparttar 112934 first thing to do is to make a final personal goal. For example,repparttar 112935 abdominal muscles showing by May. But to start you need to start with other goals to build torepparttar 112936 main final goal. These could include;

Physical Well Goals. This could be working up to 30 minutes of physical activity daily to start. Light stretching to makerepparttar 112937 muscles feel good. Maybe adding some sit ups to strengthenrepparttar 112938 core.

Physique goals. After achieving your physical well goals you can start adding more demanding goals such as reducing your fat percentage. Add aerobic fitness of 30 minutes to your workout schedule. Or maybe start a weight resistance program.

Performance accomplishment goals. This could include small goals in your weight resistance program such as benching a certain amount. Or runningrepparttar 112939 mile in a certain time. This is where you placerepparttar 112940 goal of seeing your abdominal muscles by May.

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